Thank you for your prayers and support
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As a non-profit charity, we depend on Donations from people like you to carry out our ministry and purpose. We believe in the transformational value of our programs and desire to keep costs at a minimum. Through your financial generosity, many people will experience and know God through Frontier Lodge.
You can designate your donation to one of the following funds below. The funds are: Frontier Forward Fund*NEW, Staff Support, Summer Camp Scholarships, Capital Projects, or the General Fund.
*Any donations in excess of the fund requirement with be allotted to the General Fund.
Frontier Lodge is a registered charitable organization, charity #118933530. Tax receipts will be issued for all donations over $20 in February of each year.
See our Items We Need Page Here for specific items or Gift-In-Kind needs.
The Frontier Forward Fund aims to establish a solid foundation to support our current operations and programs. Starting in 2025 with a goal of $120,000 and in future years expanding upwards of $200,000 annually. This future total ensures a sustainable future for Frontier Lodge and its ministry. We are looking for ongoing monthly commitments to reach a goal of $9,000 pledged monthly and another $12,000 in annual giving to equal the starting goal of $120,000. Please see Frontier Forward Fund Booklet for more in-depth information.
We strive to keep our summer camps affordable to everyone. However, some families cannot afford the cost of camp, but we still want them here! The Summer Camp Scholarship fund has been set up to give these youth the opportunity to come to camp in spite of financial difficulties.
Staff members are paid a small living allowance and are expected to raise the remainder of their salary from home churches, friends, and family. Supporting a staff member is an awesome opportunity to be directly involved in the life of a camp family, who otherwise may not be able to afford to be here long-term.
Frontier periodically raises money for specific site improvements and capital projects. We rely on our community and donor base to support these projects in order to utilize our facility as intentionally as possible to carry out our ministry.
*For 2025 we are raising capital for replacing our main fridge and freezer condenser system in the lodge. We already have $10,000 pledged towards the $33,000 cost of this project!*
Donations that go to our general fund pay for everything required to make the camp run. This includes food and kitchen supplies, office supplies, equipment, and small projects.
Frontier Forward
Fund tracker
E-transfers can be sent to office@frontierlodge.ca Be sure to include your address, email or phone number in the comments box so we can get in touch with you and mail you a donation receipt in February.
At Frontier Lodge, everything we do supports our core purpose of inspiring people to experience and know the goodness of God. We are faith-based, Christ-focused, and exist to serve others and change lives. Thank you for the part you play in this vital and fruitful ministry.